27 April 2023 - News
Favorable temperatures, ample availability of stable food sources and the absence of predators have favored the establishment of pigeons in the city.
However, the overpopulation of city pigeons can have important consequences for the urban environment, with damage to monuments and buildings, industrial production.
In addition, the presence of an infestation in place can be dangerous to health because of the possibility of transmission of pathogenic vectors and parasites.
Therefore, increasingly there is a need for the use of tools to ward off birds. Among them, Birdfree is the best pigeon and bird deterrent, successfully installed at numerous sites.
The pigeon, understood as a native wild species (Columba livia), is identified as a member of Italian wildlife and protected by Ordinary Law no. 157/1992 for wild species.
Today, the problems related to their presence in urban environments require the adoption of a pigeon population control plan, the implementation of which of interventions aimed at containing the number of individuals is the responsibility of municipal governments.
The Emilia-Romagna Region recently approved a five-year Pigeon Control Plan for the Emilia-Romagna region, which specifies the need to adopt alternative, bloodless methods of prevention or deterrence to prevent infestations.
Birdfree, the only optical bird repellent gel authorized throughout the EU, is a cruelty free system based on bird behavior.
The system eliminates the most severe infestations and prevents pigeons from returning to previously occupied places.
Proven and effective even in polluted environments, Birdfree’s installation requires no infrastructure changes or maintenance.
The optical gel acts on the senses of pigeons to drive them away, achieving a long-lasting deterrent effect:
Thus the birds are discouraged from returning their nests and night roosts, which they now see as uninhabitable environments.
DISCOVER MORENumerous successful cases have demonstrated the effectiveness of Birdfree in pigeon removal, in Italy and the EU. Among them, we report the results obtained almost six years later following the installation of Birdfree on the historic Karstadt building in Hamburg in April 2014.
Due to many years pigeons roosted on the facade of this protected building. Medical offices on the first and second floors could not open their windows because of the stench of pigeon droppings.
In April 2014, the building was cleared of droppings and Bird Free was applied to the surfaces and particularly the recessed ledges of the building, which offered more shelter to pigeons.
In February 2020, a customer inspection confirmed that the pigeons did not return although the gel trays had blackened from pollution .