Characteristics, behaviors, and biological aspects of cockroaches

02 October 2024 - News


Characteristics, behaviors, and biological aspects of cockroaches

Cockroaches belong to the order Blattodea, which includes over 4,500 species. In some species, adults can grow over 10 cm in length, while in others, they do not exceed 2 mm.

Blattodea are generally nocturnal insects, poor fliers, but excellent runners with remarkable speed. They have a strong sense of direction and can quickly reach their shelter in case of danger. Cockroaches are primarily omnivorous in their diet.

Some species, more than others, have fully adapted to environments created by humans, settling in food industries, shops, hospitals, and homes, thriving in settings with a favorable microclimate, more or less similar to their original habitat.

Approfondimento tecnico sul controllo delle blatte

Biological cycle and life cycle of cockroaches

Cockroaches are insects characterized by a dorsoventrally flattened body, long antennae, leathery wings, a chewing mouthpart, and sensory organs that protrude from the terminal part of the abdomen.

The eggs of cockroaches are enclosed in oothecae, protective casings whose shape, size, and number of eggs contained vary depending on the species. Upon hatching, the juvenile forms (nymphs) emerge from the leathery case. A gradual metamorphosis (hemimetabolism) will cause these individuals to increase in size, eventually reaching the nymph stage and later the adult insect stage. Through molts, varying in number depending on the species, these insects develop a new cuticle (exoskeleton), shedding the old one. Between molts, the insect increases in weight, while this process also results in an increase in body size.

The species of interest to us, due to their impact on human activities and the hygienic and health concerns they pose, are four.

Blattella germanica
(fochista, mangiapane)
Blattella germanica (fochista, mangiapane)
Supella-Longipalpa (Blatta dei mobili)
Blatta-Orientalis (Blatta comune o nera)
Periplaneta-americana (blatta rossa)

Types and procedures of intervention against cockroaches

Below are two types of intervention (liquid and gel) to be adopted based on the distribution area and the extent of the infestation.

Intervention with insecticidal gel baits in indoor areas

Interventions using insecticidal gel baits are preferred as they take advantage of the infestation itself to transfer the toxic substance within the colonies, where the feces and the dead body of the insect are consumed by other individuals, which in turn become contaminated. The service should be performed with the following:

  • Application of insecticidal gel droplets (Advion Gel Cockroaches, D-Gel Cockroaches) using a dosing gun or plunger;
  • Treat infested areas and those considered at risk, such as baseboards, kitchen shelves, tables, large appliances, floor and cover joints, especially in marginal and hidden areas (behind and under equipment and machinery, gaps, furniture, etc.);
  • Open and treat all internal manholes, as well as work on the lower parts of water drainage pipes (under sinks, siphons, etc.);
  • After about 15 days, place specific sticky traps to carry out constant monitoring of the treated area.

Application - Advion Gel Scarafaggi - Syngenta

Intervention with liquid insecticide in indoor areas

This type of intervention provides a direct action that is confined to the specimens present during the treatment.

The service should be carried out with the following:

  • Spraying with insecticide (Bombex Farumy, Deltasect, Cymina Ultra, Fendona PRO, Mythic 10 SC) using a pre-compression or electric pump.
  • Thoroughly treat all areas where cockroaches may be present; perimeters and confined spaces such as corners, baseboards, door frames, floor and cover joints.
  • Open and spray all manholes, drainage holes, and liquid waste collection grids, as well as work on all lower parts of water drainage pipes (under sinks, siphons, etc.).
  • After the intervention, place specific sticky traps to carry out constant monitoring of the treated area.

02 October 2024 - News


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