17 November 2016 - News
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are concise documents that provide all the chemical, physical, toxicological, and environmental characteristics of a substance or mixture, along with its classification.
SDS are mandatory if the preparations/mixtures are classified as hazardous according to EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP).
Currently, and until June 1, 2017, SDS for hazardous mixtures may comply with more than one regulatory reference.
According to Article 2 of Regulation 2015/830 (subject to Article 31, paragraph 9, of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006): “Safety data sheets provided to recipients before June 1, 2015, may continue to be used and do not need to comply with the annex of the aforementioned regulation until May 31, 2017.”
As a result, it is still possible to find SDS on the market with different update dates, but they are still considered valid.
For clarity, we outline the different possibilities you may encounter:
Therefore, SDS do not have an “expiration date.” The only requirement they must meet is to be updated according to the latest applicable regulations. This update must be made immediately by the supplier if new information becomes available related to classification, risk management measures, or specific authorizations/restrictions.
According to Articles 31 and 32 of the REACH Regulation, for all products not classified as hazardous under the criteria of Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP), the preparation of a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is not required.
As a result, in accordance with current legislative provisions, Colkim will provide its customers with a Safety Information Sheet (SIS) rather than a safety data sheet (which is only required for hazardous products).
The SIS will contain the main information useful to the user, as listed below:
To provide an updated and timely service to its customers, Colkim will make the most recent and compliant SDS and SIS available on the public area of this website.